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Summer Tips

EWEB's Weather Station provides Weekly Watering Recommendations based on rainfall and other data, usally from May or June through September. Rainbow will repost this information on our Facebook page and website.

Watering recommendation for: July 26-August 1, 2024

Water your lawn and flowers: 1.36 inches

If your lawn has deep roots split it into two watering days: 0.64 inches/watering

If your lawn has shallow roots split it into three watering days: 0.43 inches/watering

Tip of the week:

Use a hose nozzle with automated shut-off to minimize water usage and excessive run-off when washing your car. You can also place the car where run-off will water the lawn or flowerbeds to minimize storm water pollution and give your yard a drink.

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Watering Gauge

We are no longer providing "Green Grass" watering gauges, but you can always make one yourself. Watch a short video about making a DIY Green Grass Gauge here, then grab a tuna can and print out some test strips to get started!

Testing Strips



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